Have you ever considered that the fabrics you wear next to your body do more than just fulfil a basic function – they interact with your body on a vibrational level?
First, we need to understand that everything contains energy. All matter (physical things) is made up of atoms. These atoms are in a constant state of motion, vibrating and moving. This movement and vibration represent energy, as described by the principles of quantum mechanics. Therefore, everything - including what we might perceive to be ‘solid objects’ is fundamentally composed of energy in motion.
The rate at which the atoms move – or vibrate – determines the frequency. Everything has a frequency; everything vibrates and everything contains energy. That includes physical matter, fabrics, and our human bodies.
When you consider the fact that different materials vibrate at different frequencies, and our bodies do too, there is a realisation that the vibrations of the fabric may affect the vibration of the body. Therefore, our wardrobe choices may be having a greater influence on our health than we realise.
There aren’t many available studies of the frequency of fabrics, yet what has been found and shared is having a huge impact on the spiritual and wellness communities.
The Study
In 2003, a study was undertaken by Jewish doctor, Heidi Yellen. Dr. Yellen was curious about why the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible) claim you should wear certain fabrics above others, and it mentions not to wear wool and linen together. Details of the study are as follows:
The frequency measurements of the fabrics were taken in angstroms (m), using a digital instrument called an Ag-Environ machine.
According to the machine, a healthy human body has a frequency of 70 - 100m. An unhealthy body drops below 50m.
Dr. Yellen’s premise was that fabrics with a higher frequency than a healthy human body are beneficial to humans, and fabrics with a lower frequency can cause or increases illness.
Frequencies of Fabrics
The frequencies of fabrics are considered to be emitted by the molecular structure and energy contained inside the fabric. When you are able to determine which fabrics are high frequency and which are low frequency, this might help you make different decisions when purchasing new clothing.

Which Fabrics Are Low Frequency?
Synthetic fabrics including polyester, acrylic, viscose, nylon, spandex, lycra, and rayon, have lower frequencies. These fabrics are frequently made from petroleum-based substances – so when we wear these fabrics, we’re effectively wearing plastic. When washed, these materials have been found to shed microplastics into the water supply. Could these microplastics be absorbed into the skin?
Viscose is manufactured from chemically-treated wood pulp, and bamboo must undergo extensive chemical processing to develop a soft cloth. So do the chemical residues in the fabric get absorbed by our skin?
Which Fabrics Are High Frequency?
Linen is a class act when it comes to having a high frequency. Linen is a natural cloth made from flax plants. It's breathable (meaning it stimulates air circulation) and has antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties which can decrease skin inflammation and allergies. Furthermore, linen has a higher infrared radiation reflection rate than other materials, which is thought to aid in tissue regeneration.
Wool is also very high in frequency. It also provides excellent warmth in colder weather. A word of caution – never wear wool and linen together, despite being higher in frequency; when worn together, they cancel each other out. Considering linen is very much a summer fabric, and wool a winter fabric, I suspect that’s unlikely anyway!
Organic Cotton clothes are made from pesticide-free cotton plants and have higher frequencies than conventional cotton clothes. Organic cotton has a slightly higher frequency than the average, healthy human body. But wearing organic cotton is important – non-organic cotton has a lower frequency due to chemical treatments.
Hemp is a sustainable material with a very high vibrational frequency. Hemp is also extremely durable and is fast becoming the material of choice.
Although scientific research on this topic is still underway, you may want to sit with this topic and ask your Higher Self for guidance. This is how I make any decisions, regardless of what ‘science tells us’! Personally, I would rather wear natural fibers as my skin can err on the side of sensitive. I made the decision five years ago to switch my skincare to natural products and my skin has thanked me by being clear and blemish-free, so wearing natural fibers feels like the right decision for me.