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Past Life Healing with Meditation & Shadow Work

Discover and heal your past lives, heal and integrate your shadow self and reveal hidden skills, gifts and abilities

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Are you ready to...

~ Discover your past lives?

~ Gain clarity about your past lives, discovering which ones are holding you back in your current life, and which ones could benefit you?

~ Understand where your unexplainable fears, aversions and phobias have come from?


The Past Life Healing with Meditation & Shadow Work course will teach you all of this, and more! 

Clicking this button will open the course in the Udemy site

Advanced Shadow Work - Past Lives

Get the Past Life Healing with Meditation & Shadow Work course and begin healing and integrating your past lives!

 Release yourself from the negative influence of your past lives

 Use meditation to reveal information about your past lives

 Learn how to use a pendulum to gain clarity and more information about your past lives 

 Discover gifts, skills and abilities that are hidden in your shadow that come from your past lives, integrating them into your current life

☑ Integrate your shadow self to feel more whole and balanced

 Advance on your spiritual path as you release what doesn't serve you

Ready to get started?

Clicking this button will open the course in the Udemy site

Course Overview

The Past Life Healing with Meditation & Shadow Work course is your complete guide to learning how to heal your past lives through using meditation and shadow work. This course is ideal for people on their healing journey, so if you want to release yourself from any negative impact from your past lives, this course is a vital part of your healing toolkit.

This course is an ideal partner to my other Udemy course, Shadow Work: How to Heal and Integrate your Shadow Self which focuses on healing issues you've faced in your current lifetime.

What does the course do?


The course will guide you through your past lives, gently unearthing the issues you faced so that you can heal and integrate the lessons of that lifetime. You will meditate to discover each past life that is impacting you presently, and you'll be taught how to dowse with a pendulum to gain more clarity and information. You will then work through a series of workbooks to deep dive into the issues you faced during those lifetimes.

You will also meditate to discover the skills, gifts and abilities that are hidden in your shadow that come from your past lives, integrating those skills and bringing them into your current life.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course you will have integrated your shadow self to feel more whole and balanced. Integrating the parts of you that have been holding you back means they will no longer affect you! Watch your life change on the outside when you do this vital work on the inside.

You will also have learned new skills, gifts and abilities that you had in your past lives, bringing that energy into your current life.

This course will help you to develop spiritually and personally. Integrating the shadow self is a key part of the spiritual awakening journey.

Clicking this button will open the course in the Udemy site

Advamced Shadow Work Past Lives course workbooks
Student's ratings of the Past Life Healing with Meditation & Shadow Work course:

I have over 1500 students based all over the world in 90 different countries, including the UK and Ireland, Europe, USA, Canada, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, the Middle East, United Arab Emirates and Asia! Here's where you will find student reviews of the course.



“I found the guided visualisation techniques to be useful for providing information and context to patterns of behaviour, my personality, and repeating situations. The instructions and workbooks are straightforward to follow and complete.”

Sam Brooks


Denise Renee Humphrey


Pheap Born


October Walker

As the course was newly released in late 2024, it takes time to gather student reviews so check back here often!

Ready to get started?

Clicking this button will open the course in the Udemy site

Key Features

🙏🏼 Video lectures

🙏🏼 An explanation of shadow work, how our past lives affect our shadow and how to work with past lives for maximum benefit

🙏🏼 A meditation to heal the negative aspects of your past lives

🙏🏼 A lesson in dowsing with a pendulum to find more information and clarity around your past lives

🙏🏼 Several Past Life Workbooks to help you to explore specific areas of your past lives

🙏🏼 A meditation to discover your hidden gifts, skills and abilities

🙏🏼 Several quizzes and exercises to help you to implement your learning and journal your findings

Advanced Shadow Work Past Lives

Who the Past Life Healing with Meditation & Shadow Work course is for:

 Anyone with basic knowledge of shadow work

People on their healing or spiritual awakening journey

People who want to understand themselves better, releasing what is holding them back

⭐ People interested in discovering their past lives

People wanting to explore gifts, skills and abilities from their past lives that could be of benefit to their current lifetime

Anyone feeling frustrated by being stuck in negative patterns, unsure as to where they have come from

Anyone with an unexplainable phobia

Ready to get started?

Get the course now to instantly begin discovering your past lives and heal your shadow!

Clicking this button will open the course in the Udemy site

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