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Is reincarnation real?

Writer's picture: Melanie StevensMelanie Stevens

Updated: Oct 25, 2024

This is a big topic so before we dive in, let’s get grounded. Concepts like reincarnation can be hard to grasp, and when a subject is a bit ‘out there’ we can find it difficult to understand and remember the information. So that we can better integrate these concepts, we will start with a short grounding and energy management exercise.


Grounding exercise


  1. Start by focusing on your breath, taking several slow, deep breaths and quietening down the mind.

  2. Then imagine you have roots coming out of the soles of your feet, plunging deep into the Earth below you. These roots travel all the way to the very core of the Earth, connecting you to the planet’s energy.

  3. As your roots connect you, you draw up the energy from the centre of the Earth which comes all the way up, into your feet and up your legs, into your body.  This energy travels all the way up through every chakra, every cell of your body, right up and out of the top of your head. This energy cleanses you of anything that doesn’t serve your highest good and envelops you in a layer of protection.

  4. Take a slow exhale and feel yourself relax.  Now let’s begin.


So… is reincarnation real?


In my experience, yes.  I’ve seen many, many other lives I’m having, through meditation, channelling and in the dream state.  Note I said ‘other lives’ – because time isn’t linear, they aren’t actually ‘past lives’. They’re all happening now – including our future lives!  How’s that for a mind-bender?!


The way I see it is that we are a divine spark of source energy.  We are all connected to source – it’s where we came from – and we are existing in an infinite universe.  Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transmuted and changed.  So bearing all of that in mind, why would we choose to have just one life, on one planet in the entire universe… just once?!


We can explore these other lives through the Akashic Records (there are readers who specialise in this type of reading), through hypnosis (a special type called Past Life Regression) or through our own energy fields.  Our energy field holds the memories of every single incarnation we’ve ever had.  We can access this information by setting an intention to connect to the information encoded in our energy field, and asking our Higher Self (that higher spiritual aspect of ourselves) to show us things about our other lives.  We can also set an intention to access one of our other lives through our dreams – if you do this, ensure you put a notepad by the bed so that you can write down what you experienced upon waking!


When we reincarnate, can we be a different gender / race / species?


Not only do we incarnate multiple times, but we incarnate in many different ways.  If you are a female in this lifetime, you will have been male in another.  You will have played the role of mother, father, son, daughter and had a myriad of different experiences.  Animals reincarnate just like we do, and they can return as a human – therefore we can also have animal lifetimes.


You may have incarnated as other beings too, in other parts of the universe.  Many people on Earth now are being shown other lives they have had in different star systems within the Milky Way galaxy.  This is where the term ‘starseed’ has come from.  But if that’s too much to get your head around, then exploring your other Earthly lives is a great place to start.


Soul Planning


When we die, we have a life review (see my other blog post for the details of this process).  After the review we return to our spirit form and decide upon our next incarnation.  We meet with other soul beings in our soul group and agree what kinds of experience we want to have in that incarnation.  The soul planning experience is a ‘discussion’ with these other souls.


For example, we might decide we want to experience the energies of suffering and gratitude within a lifetime.  We might agree upon an experience that will cause us to suffer (i.e. poverty or poor health) and then another person in our soul group agrees they will help us to pick ourselves up and improve our life, and thus we experience the energy of gratitude.  The other person also gets to experience what they want to (in this example it would be rescuing/helping another person).  Everyone in the soul group plays a role in order to experience the energies they have chosen to experience.


At a higher level, suffering isn’t seen as ‘bad’ – that’s a human label we put on it.  The soul doesn’t separate or label different experiences, but in order to experience growth and wisdom, it wants to experience many different things.  The human part of us often wishes our soul had chosen a less rocky path, but at the level of the soul that’s what it wants!

Reincarnation - the soul planning stage



If we plan our lives before we incarnate, then what about karma?


What we call karma is part of a universal law which is based on the belief that what you put out, you get back. Karma isn’t punishment for doing ‘bad’ things because, at the level of the soul at least, nothing is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Karma simply means that the energy you pulsate out will attract what you then experience. But if we choose our lives through soul planning, does that mean we don’t attract karma?


It’s my belief that karma is unavoidable, despite the fact that we plan what we experience. Therefore if a soul wants to come to Earth and experience something like theft, for example, the soul understands the karmic effect of that path and knows that by taking from others, and causing them pain, a similar energy will return to them (one of pain). From the perspective of the soul, karma is simply experiencing both sides of the same coin. And with that comes a lot of growth and wisdom 💗


In the next blog we will look at parallel realities and how time is perceived from the spirit world.



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