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Healing Money Blocks

Writer: Melanie StevensMelanie Stevens

Money can be a divisive and emotional subject as people see money in so many different ways. However, whatever your personal viewpoint on the energy of money, it seems there are lots of people who are struggling to create (manifest) money, for which there could be many contributing factors at play. These factors are called money blocks.


Here are some helpful practices you can create to bring more money into your life.


Healing past disappointments around money


If something hasn’t gone well for you in the past which was connected to money, it can continue to affect you now. Things we haven’t healed fully from can remain trapped in our energy field and they can cause a block. It’s now time to heal from these old stories and let them go by following these steps:


  1. Write down any past disappointments you’ve had connected to money or abundance. This could be a bad investment, an idea that didn’t work out, a business you had - anything that left you feeling demoralised, demotivated, heartbroken or ashamed.  

  2. With your list in front of you, place your hand over your heart and say “I let this go now. I release this old energy. I acknowledge the lesson and how it has served me, even if I am not consciously aware why I had to experience it.”  

  3. Now take your list and release it in whatever way you’re comfortable with. Burning paper sends a very powerful signal to the universe, but please only do this if you have a safe way of doing this and you’re comfortable with fire. Alternatively, you can tear up the paper and bury it in the earth, or you can flush it away down the toilet! If you enjoy working with moon energy, try doing this at the full moon as this is a great time to release.


Reframing thoughts around money


Our thoughts become things; that's the Law of Attraction. What we think, feel and do are incredibly powerful and can impact our life experiences in a major way.

If you're feeling stuck with negative, limiting or unhelpful thoughts, here is an exercise you can work with:


  1. Start to notice and journal your actions. Write down any unhelpful actions and old patterns that don’t serve your highest good.  

  2. Now write down some simple ways you can break these old patterns. What could you do to stop doing what you’re doing?  

  3. Finally, write down some new patterns you can incorporate and practice regularly until they become habit! This might be a change to your routine.  

  4. After you have completed this exercise, repeat steps 1-3 but replace ‘actions’ with ‘words’, ‘thoughts’ and ‘beliefs’.


You don’t need to journal every day – but noticing your habits and behaviours is the first step to changing them. Forming new habits simply takes regular practice over a fairly short period of time before they become new habits.


Here’s an example of how I made this work with money: To change my experience with money, I realised I was buying things based on their price, rather than choosing the things I actually wanted.


To break the pattern, I started noticing when I was doing this and instead of buying what I felt I could afford (which was never the truth but a fear-based choice based on a false perception of lack), I started to buy the things I actually wanted. This small change signalled to the universe that I had a new belief about money.


This new pattern has made me think carefully before purchasing anything. This has actually ended up saving me money, as I no longer buy things I don’t want just because they are on offer! I’ve stopped impulse buying, which means I have more money to buy the things I genuinely want, even if what I want is more expensive.


Words have power


Now we’re going to examine your relationship with money.


How do you visualise money when you think of it? Does it feel nice, and light? Like a close friend or ally? Or does it feel dirty, and do you feel a sense of shame when you want it? Or does it feel unattainable and out of reach?


You might want to reflect on this and start to call ‘money’ something else if you have a negative perception of it. The word ‘money’ can hold a negative connotation for some people, so try calling it something else for a while and notice how that feels.


Likewise with the word ‘spend’… does the word ‘spend’ feel uncomfortable for you, as if it suggests loss? I found I wasn’t vibing with the word 'spend' as it felt like a loss, so I’ve replaced it with ‘invest’. This feels much more positive.


Don’t underestimate the power of this exercise – our words are powerful and changing how we talk about money can create quite a shift! 💎

Image of words written onto someone's hands for a post about money blocks

Money through your Business


Your business has its own energy, just like you do. If you feel your business isn’t providing you with enough money, communicate with it to find out why. Communication is possible with all forms of energy, so yes, you can communicate with your business! Here are the steps to take:


  1. With a notepad and pen in front of you, sit in quiet meditation somewhere you won’t be disturbed. You might like to set sacred space by lighting a candle, burning some incense or essential oils. Take a few minutes to enjoy your space and bring your focus into your heart space. Close your eyes if you wish.  

  2. Once you’re feeling relaxed, set an intention by stating in your head or out loud that you wish to connect to the energy of your business.  

  3. Allow any thoughts, words or feelings to come into your mind. When something pops into your mind write it down. Don’t try to make sense of it at this stage as that will engage the logical side of your brain, which will block your intuition – just let the words / thoughts / images come to you and write them down.  

  4. Keep writing until you notice that your thoughts have gone quiet.  

  5. Now open your eyes and put your focus of attention onto your feet. You might like to imagine thick roots coming out of the soles of your feet and plunging into the ground below. This simple visualisation can help you feel grounded and will avoid any light-headedness.

  6. Notice what you wrote down, what is your business telling you? What actions can you take as a result of this?


I would recommend trying all the above exercises, and seeing which is the most impactful. These can be repeated whenever you feel stuck or blocked.

You might also find the Words have Power workshop helpful - this is available to access for free on my website (sign-up required).



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